Playboy: Now With More Misogyny!
What do these women have in common?
- Michelle Malkin
- Megyn Kelly
- Mary Katharine Ham
- Amanda Carpenter
- Elisabeth Hasselbeck
- Dana Perino
- Laura Ingraham
- Pamela Geller
- Michele Bachmann
- Peggy Noonan
They’re conservative women that Playboy writer Guy Cimbalo would like to hate f***.
“So Right It’s Wrong” is the title of the vile, foul-mouthed piece in which each of the women profiled is given a hate f*** rating. Cimbalo manages to squeeze all four stages of conservative female abuse into his vile emesis – infantilization, sexualization, demonization, and dehumanization – and gets extra points for the sexual exoticization of a conservative woman with the audacity to be something other than white.
Michelle Malkin, for instance, is labeled a “highly f***able Filipina” and purveyor of “frothing idiocy.” Her hate f*** rating? “Worse than f***ing Eva Braun.” And “rancid shrew” Laura Ingraham’s hate f*** rating? “Vagina dentata would be an improvement.
Of course, in Cimbalo’s serial rape fantasy, the women are, quite literally, asking for it. There’s nothing they want more than for Guy Cimbalo to teach them a sexually degrading lesson. Apparently “bilious simpleton” Elisabeth Hasselbeck “wouldn’t mind putting [her Catholic school uniform] on before taking it off for a session of sweaty, anti-American hate f***ing. And Malkin’s “tight body and get-off-my-lawn stare just scream, ‘Do me!'”
Not all of them are begging for it though. Cimbalo admits that he’d have to get Peggy Noonan liquored up before she’d be pliant enough for some “Cheever-esque hate f***ing.”
Today I should be writing about the First Amendment restrictions being called for by liberal writers in the wake of the heinous assassination of abortion doctor George Tiller. I’m itching to weigh in on Sonia Sotomayor’s flawed “critical legal studies” approach to the law. And I have pieces in the works on atheism and sex education.
Instead, I’m sitting here replacing the letters u, c, and k with asterisks as if I can somehow make Guy Cimbalo’s euphemism for rape easier to stomach.
Hat tip: Cap’n Ed at Hot Air
Update: Less than a full day online and the article has already been pulled from They probably believed that line about no one reading the articles anyway, and were shocked to discover there were people paying attention.
Update 2: From Smart Girl Politics:
Smart Girl Politics calls on Playboy Magazine and Guy Cimbalo to issue apologies to all of the women mentioned in the article. Further, we call on all self-identified feminists to join with us in condemning attacks like this, which seek only to humiliate and degrade women.
Update 3: Not Tucker Carlson links as part of a roundup of posts on the Playboy nastiness.
And Murphy at Puma PAC links with a scathing post on the entrenched misogyny rampant on the left. To Murphy’s commentary, I would add that liberal women have participated in this vile behavior too – remember Margaret Cho’s rape fantasy about Sarah Palin? Diehard liberalism (or diehard conservatism for that matter) does not come with a Get Out Of Jail Free card for misogynists and a vote for Obama doesn’t insulate cads from being called out on their despicable anti-woman sentiments.
And welcome to my new visitors from Puma PAC!