Brad Garrett, Racist Obama Supporter

Is anyone else sick to death of people who act like a vote for Obama absolves them from all past, present, and future charges of racism?

During a Monday appearance, Brad Garrett gleefully offended just about everyone on Fox and Friends during the After Show Show broadcast live on the Web. His rant targeted everyone from blacks to women to Jews. But then he revealed he’s an Obama supporter so it’s cool, right? See for yourself:

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No matter who Brad Garrett votes for, he’s still a racist cretin.

Found via Hot Air’s headlines.

Updated 9/16/08 to replace video that was no longer available from Viddler with a YouTube clip.


2 Responses to “Brad Garrett, Racist Obama Supporter”

  1. Rob Taylor on September 12th, 2008 10:24 am

    Typical of all white liberals who project their racism on others and try to buy indulgences by saying “I have a Black friend”

    He’s no different than any other white liberal, a pretentious racist who thinks Blacks are too stupid to know bigotry when they hear it.

  2. Jenn Q. Public on September 12th, 2008 1:00 pm

    Rob, I think there’s also an element of narcissism there, particularly in the case of this “comedian” who thinks everyone around him is there to provide fodder for his jokes. Really, it’s a sort of objectification.

    Also, I’d point out that I’ve seen black liberals do similar, so this isn’t a white-only phenomenon.

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