McCain/Palin Smears, Now in Two Delicious Flavors

How do you prefer your smears? Overt or covert? Team Obama is playing it both ways now, and in all likelihood has been for some time.

So which is worse, the Obama campaign smearing Sarah Palin via a clan of astroturfing sockpuppets or Obama’s latest radio smear campaign against John McCain? And will it matter to voters?

Just askin’.

Vicious Palin Smears Traced Back to Obama Campaign?

My nomination for blog post of the year goes to The Jawa Report for their meticulous research on the source of the Sarah Palin smears.  This story is huge.

Their findings suggest that at least some of the smears were orchestrated by Winner & Associates, one of the world’s largest PR firms.  The research also indicates a likely link to David Axelrod, Obama’s chief media strategist.  They weave quite a convincing narrative and it’s imperative that the news organizations and the rest of the blogosphere pick this up and take it as far as it can go.

A mere summary doesn’t do their work justice – read it yourself.

The Audacity of Hope and the Paucity of Israel

I was going to ask you to guess what glaring omission Barack Obama made in his chapter on foreign policy in The Audacity of Hope, but I couldn’t stop myself from giving it away in the title of this post. Dan at GayPatriot just finished reading Obama’s book and notes that there are 54 pages on “The World Beyond Our Borders” and Israel isn’t mentioned. Not even once.

Wait. Obama titled The Audacity of Hope with a phrase coined by his anti-Semitic pastor and the book fails to address the Jewish State? Surely you jest!

In related news, young Jewish Obama supporters are descending upon the Fort Lauderdale area in an organized effort to convince their pro-Israel grandparents to vote for Obama in November. They’re calling it The Great Schlep, and one of their talking points is that “Obama hearts Israel and so do you.”

I’m just not feeling the love.

You Can Put Lipstick on an Ass …

But Barack Obama is still an ass.

With the Obama campaign’s release of a new campaign ad today, we saw a desperate attempt to use John McCain ‘s reported lack of Internet fluency as an indicator that he is generally out of touch. As it turns out, what the Obama camp paints as neo-Luddism is actually attributable to lingering effects of the McCain’s POW injuries. Jonah Goldberg explains:

The reason he doesn’t send email is that he can’t use a keyboard because of the relentless beatings he received from the Viet Cong in service to our country. From the Boston Globe (March 4, 2000):

McCain gets emotional at the mention of military families needing food stamps or veterans lacking health care. The outrage comes from inside: McCain’s severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes.

Mark Steyn wonders how team Obama could have missed this. Maybe they don’t know how to work The Google.

Allahpundit points out a recent NYT piece in which John McCain says he is learning to get online by himself. I would guess that McCain is either accessing the Web with assistive software, like a voice recognition application, or he has an alternative input device that offers better ergonomics for someone with reduced range of motion.

Suitably Flip shares a Forbes article from 2000 that describes McCain as “the U.S. Senate’s savviest technologist” and “an inveterate devotee of email.” The article says Cindy handled the physical aspects of computing for her husband at that time.

This means the charge that McCain “can’t send an email” isn’t just offensive, it’s categorically untrue.

So bring on the next smear, team Obama. The right side of the blogosphere has a Google and they’re not afraid to use it.

OMG! No Web Lulz for John McCain!

John McCain must be super productive. If I didn’t use email I’d reclaim hours a week. Barack Obama, of course, sees it a little differently:

Granted there are benefits to being Web-savvy, but c’mon, the man has people for that.

I don’t agree with all of John McCain’s ideas about how to run our country, but when it comes to the American people, he’s way more plugged in than Barack Obama, even if he doesn’t know how to vandalize Wikipedia and read viral email smears.

Brad Garrett, Racist Obama Supporter

Is anyone else sick to death of people who act like a vote for Obama absolves them from all past, present, and future charges of racism?

During a Monday appearance, Brad Garrett gleefully offended just about everyone on Fox and Friends during the After Show Show broadcast live on the Web. His rant targeted everyone from blacks to women to Jews. But then he revealed he’s an Obama supporter so it’s cool, right? See for yourself:

YouTube Preview Image

No matter who Brad Garrett votes for, he’s still a racist cretin.

Found via Hot Air’s headlines.

Updated 9/16/08 to replace video that was no longer available from Viddler with a YouTube clip.

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