ATF Disrupts Vile Neo-Nazis in Plot to Massacre Black School Kids and Assassinate Obama

Breaking news: neo-Nazi skinheads are vile, cretinous scum who dream of genocide.

OK, OK, there’s more to this particular breaking story. The ATF caught a pair of white supremacist morons plotting the massacre of dozens of kids at a predominantly African-American school. The attack on black school children was to be followed up by an assassination attempt on Barack Obama.

Bloomberg reports:

Federal agents in Tennessee broke up what they called a plot by two men identifying themselves as white supremacists to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama as part of a “killing spree” of black people.

The two suspects, Daniel Cowart, 20, of Bells, Tennessee, and Paul Schlesselman, 18, of West Helena, Arkansas, were accused of discussing a plan to rob a gun dealer of weapons and ammunition and commit murders at a predominantly black school, Lawrence J. Laurenzi, the U.S. attorney for western Tennessee, said in a statement.

The suspects’ “final act of violence” would be an attempt to kill Obama during which they both expressed a willingness to die, the statement said. The two men told authorities they planned to wear white tuxedos and top hats while carrying out the assassination, according to court papers.

This report turns my stomach. Luckily the Feds disrupted these imbeciles before they could carry out their plot. The Smoking Gun has a copy of the federal complaint (via Hot Air, where Allahpundit has more).

Is it too much to hope that everyone can avoid politicizing the deplorable behavior of these two scumbags during the final days of the election?

Obama, Obama, He Stole My Pajamas

Obamaween is the new Americana.

Just watch. Then watch it again to catch all the detail.

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Loved the video? Send an email to the creator, C. A. Velasquez – his email address appears at the end of the video. And leave him a comment on YouTube.

Hat tip: Pamela Geller, who also has a long email from the filmmaker about how he became a Republican. It’s well worth the read, especially for those of us who had similar epiphanies about our political leanings.

Obama, No Merci Beaucoup

Via Gateway Pundit, I present Poor James and the Swamp Crows singing “Obama, No Merci Beaucoup.” These guys should play on election night (and at every rally between now and then):

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Obama? Obama? No, no merci. No merci beaucoup.


I Just Saw Sarah Palin Get The Cooties

Appearing on Saturday Night Live proves Sarah Palin is a brave woman with a terrific sense of humor. I have every faith that she’ll make a great Vice President, but I don’t know how the hell she’s going to get rid of the nasty case of the cooties she just got from Alec Baldwin when he hooked his arm into hers during the opening sketch.

Let’s just hope that unlike Barack Obama, Alec can restrain himself from calling Sarah a “pig.” Nah, that’s a term of endearment he reserves for his daughter.

A Reminder to John McCain: This is Your Opponent

Melanie Phillips nutshells Barack Obama for us:

You have to pinch yourself – a Marxisant radical who all his life has been mentored by, sat at the feet of, worshipped with, befriended, endorsed the philosophy of, funded and been in turn funded, politically promoted and supported by a nexus comprising black power anti-white racists, Jew-haters, revolutionary Marxists, unrepentant former terrorists and Chicago mobsters, is on the verge of becoming President of the United States. And apparently it’s considered impolite to say so.

Please, Senator McCain, remember who your opponent is tonight as you debate Barack Obama for the final time. America is worth fighting for, and Barack Obama is worth fighting against, so stand up, stand up, stand up and fight!

Hat tip: The Corner

Disenfranchised Hillary Supporters on Primary Voter Fraud

This series of videos documents the thuggery, corruption, fraud, cheating, and harassment that go hand-in-hand with Barack Obama’s Chicago-style politics. Disenfranchised Hillary Clinton supporters share their personal experiences of how Team Obama was manipulating the outcome of the election during primary season, even without the assistance of ACORN. It’s no wonder there are so many PUMAs.

I don’t want to slow this page down, so I’ll only embed the first video here. It starts off slow, but all four parts of the documentary are worth watching. If you’re pressed for time, don’t miss part 3.

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Also check out part 2, part 3, and part 4, and visit the project site, We Will Not Be Silenced.

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