Sarah Palin, Brain Rapist?
Things Cintra Wilson believes Sarah Palin has done to her:
- ideologically brain raped her
- mortally offended her
- made her retch into her handbag
- made her feel like a ghetto Jew watching the rise of National Socialism
- shanghaied her
I’d like to be the first to thank Sarah Palin for her efforts. Having had the extraordinary displeasure of being ideologically brain raped by Cintra Wilson at a KGB Bar reading a few years ago, I can’t help but feel that Sarah Palin has paid her back on my behalf.
You can witness the full extent of Cintra Wilson’s extreme Palin Derangement Syndrome in her diatribe on the governor, also known as that “enabling wife of organized crime, who sees, hears and speaks no evil of the boys in her old-boy network for whom she does this ideological lap dance.”
Hat tip to Jonah Goldberg who thinks Sarah Palin should simply read this at a press conference verbatim.
Live From the Sty, Obama Calls Palin a Pig in Lipstick
Barack Obama stepped in it big time today. Addressing the McCain/Palin message of change and reform, he told the audience at a town-hall event:
You can put lipstick on a pig … it’s still a pig.
Oh yes he did. And he got a standing ovation.
If Obama didn’t spend so much time in the sty, he might not have pigs on the mind. But his purported intentions with this outrageous turn of phrase are irrelevant.
After Sarah Palin’s joke that lipstick is the only thing that distinguishes a hockey mom from a pitbull, there was no question in Obama’s mind that people would realize he was calling Sarah Palin a pig. Like the liberal media, he indiscriminately tossed out a slur to seed hatred, then he’ll pretend to take offense that his intended meaning is being skewed.
Like his running mate who earlier today called Sarah Palin a backward step for women, Barack Obama epitomizes poor taste and poor judgement.
Ready to lead, indeed.
Update: Hot Air has video of the slur and audio of the response from the McCain camp. Reporters are actually suggesting that this isn’t a gendered comment.
Update 2: Tammy Bruce captures the problem with Obama’s words perfectly. “Make no mistake, Barry has created the culture of sexism within the Democrat party, and this is just one more indication that it’s his choice for his campaign to use the personal destruction of women as its standard.”
Update 3: Hot Air updates us that an Obama rep has called the McCain camp’s response “a pathetic attempt to play the gender card.”
The Source of the Sambo Smear
Bill Hennessy is doing the job the liberal media won’t: vetting the source of unsubstantiated Sarah Palin rumors.
Hennessy has made it his quest to ferret out the true identity and qualifications of foul smear merchant and self-anointed “independent investigative journalist” Charley James. Charley is the vacuous slob responsible for fabricating the “part Aboriginal” waitress named Lucille NoLastName. He claims she’s an anonymous source who overheard Sarah Palin say to her dining companions, “So Sambo beat the bitch!” when speaking of Senators Obama and Clinton.
As Dr. Melissa Clouthier points out, this would be comedy gold if Charley James wasn’t trying to pass it off as serious.
Charley’s ugly prevarications spread rapidly to the seediest dens of liberal iniquity, like Kos and Democratic Underground, then leached out into the wider blogosphere, including Barack Obama’s campaign site. His lies are inadequately sourced to the point of absurdity, and his credentials as a journalist are extraordinarily suspect. But as NewsBusters reminds us, “It doesn’t have to be true, it just has to be repeated enough for people to hear Palin and the disparaging remark together in a sentence.” Ugh.
Hennessy is doing the legwork to find out just who this charlatan is, and what his ties might be to the Obama machine. I’ll be eagerly awaiting the results.
Sarah Palin Fact: Sarah Palin Bans Books Years Before They’re Published
(image: Wasilla Public Library)
In 1996, Sarah Palin banned Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone from the Wasilla Public Library. Of course, it wasn’t published until 1998, but that just proves what I’ve been saying all along: Sarah Palin’s readiness to lead is due largely to her unparalleled precognitive ability.
Michelle Malkin has more on Sarah Palin’s uncanny ability to clear library shelves in a single bound.
Let’s hope Barack Obama’s campaign strategists never find out that in 1963 Sarah Palin organized a community-wide effort to find and destroy all copies of The Audacity of Hope.
Sarah Palin Facts has more little known gems about Governor Palin.
Sarah Palin and the Huffington Smear
Just in case you thought The Huffington Post was somehow more respectable than The Daily Kos, take a look at these tawdry smears of Sarah Palin vomited forth by Arianna’s lackeys on Friday:
Sarah Palin is a villainous thief and lying, contemptuous racist. She hates Rosa Parks and she hates you too. She is a Buchananite and an extremist with radical separatist ties who unlike Obama didn’t write her speech. She is both anti-science and anti-knowledge and amounts to nothing more than an empty distraction with a soap opera life.
All of that is just from the posts linked from the front page of HuffPo. There aren’t enough hours in the day to address the the rank invective and outright lies that dominate the reader comments.
And you know who else has written for The Huffington Post? Why yes, Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
Now Imaginary Friends Are Weighing In On Sarah Palin
Yesterday columnist Froma Harrop shared a fanciful tale of her dinner with a “Republican-leaning independent who was despondent” over the Palin VP nomination. This “friend” was a McCain supporter who said that
all she could now see was that picture of Palin’s pregnant 17-year-old looking defiant and stupid as she held mom’s fifth baby.
Classy, Harrop. Classy.
Harrop’s imaginary friend then offered this gem:
Don’t they have birth control up in Alaska?
No, Froma. I reckon up in Alaska they’re too busy fantasizing about indoor plumbing and nailing their cousins to worry about birth control.
But that’s okay – if Obama has his way they’ll have infanticide, and that’s really the next best thing.
cartoon: Glenn McCoy
By the way, unwed father David Letterman also questioned the availability of Trojans in Alaska, and wondered why Sarah Palin didn’t have “the presence of mind to have chatted to her teenaged kids for five minutes about birth control.” Apparently humor is now above Letterman’s pay grade. Luckily Dr. Phil was there to school him on the limits of parental influence in the lives of teens.