Liberals are Crabs in a Bucket

Alfonzo Rachel, better known as MachoSauceProductions, continues to impress me with video blogs. His monologues and skits about conservative ideals aren’t full of bombastic rhetoric, just a ton of common sense presented by a guy with a natural gift for entertaining. I don’t agree with all of his political positions, but I’ve gotta give respect to a guy raised in a family of democrats in ultra-blue California who’s willing to lay out his conservative views for the world.

He tackles liberalism with particular mastery. In this video on why he’s voting for McCain/Palin, Alfonzo compares liberals to crabs in a bucket: even those that try to climb out of the bucket get yanked back in by the other crabs.

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You can catch the rest of Alfonzo’s videos on his YouTube channel.


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