Monica Conyers and Hipsters on Food Stamps

Monica Conyers

This piece first appeared at NewsReal earlier this month.

Former Detroit Councilwoman Monica Conyers clutched a $1,000 Louis Vuitton handbag as she emerged from a chauffeured Lincoln Town Car to attend her sentencing for a bribery conviction.

Just days later, a federal judge declared her indigent and appointed a public defender to represent her. Now taxpayers will foot the bill for the “destitute” Mrs. Conyers’ to appeal her plea-bargained 37 month sentence.  Never mind that her husband, U.S. Rep. John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich), pulls down $174,000 a year.

Why should an elected official help his wife with her legal bills if they can get the government to pick up the tab? After all, John Conyers is part of the “most ethical Congress in history,” so it must be okay.

And don’t concern yourself with pesky details, like the fact that Mrs. Conyers earned an $80,000 annual salary until she resigned from the Detroit City Council last July.  She’s no freeloader, she’s indigent!

Gerry Mak, hipster douchebagAcross the country in Baltimore, some of Mrs. Conyers’ younger progressive kindred might not have her brazen sense of entitlement yet, but they’re working on it. “They’re young, they’re broke, and they pay for organic salmon with government subsidies.” They’re hipsters on food stamps.

One of them is Gerry Mak, a 31-year-old artist who “grew up in Westchester, graduated from the University of Chicago and toiled in publishing in New York during his 20s before moving to Baltimore last year with a meager part-time blogging job and prospects for little else.”  Like Monica Conyers, Mak was thrilled when he discovered how to turn the government into his personal Pez dispenser.

Please head over to NewsReal to read the rest, including details on how this hipster parasite refuses to do the “living off ramen thing.”


3 Responses to “Monica Conyers and Hipsters on Food Stamps”

  1. Right-Wing Links (April 20, 2010) on April 20th, 2010 7:06 pm

    […] Monica Conyers and Hipsters on Food Stamps […]

  2. John C. Davidson on April 22nd, 2010 11:43 am

    This is just the tip of iceberg regarding this problem that the liberal groups advocate. ACORN promotes swindling us while our elected officials engage in the same practice on a larger scale.

  3. Afrocity on May 5th, 2010 9:57 am

    Jenn, the hipster story is hilarious. I recall in college that mostly all of my classmates wanted to get on food stamps. Having just left my mother and out on my own, I was glad to be OFF foodstamps. Too funny.

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